Sunday, April 27, 2008

Crochetted Tote for Melanie!

And my own WLE to Melanie is a crochetted tote:

For the full story on how well received it was! Please visit Melanie's blog:


Fünfzigerjahremädel said...

Hello Emily!
You have another "blog-outfit" !!!!
Now I can see all your crafts one after another!That's nice!
You ask me for the plants on my blog! The last two pictures of the flowers are the same species! There name is "columbine"!
Best wishes,Ulla

Emily said...

Hi Ulla!
Thanks for dropping by with the name of the flower! I heard of the name columbine but had never seen picture of one before! Gosh! they are beautiful especially the red ones!

Warm regards, Emily


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